Parent Education
Calling All Navelencia Parents! Your Participation Counts
Listed below are just a few of the areas that you can help:
Fundraiser – This traditionally happens in the Fall, shortly after the beginning of school. You can either assist with work at home or coming to the school to collect, count, and sort money and orders. We will also need help with the special reward event.
Dances (6th – 8th grade students) – There are between 3-5 dances throughout the year, depending on student interest. Assist with coordinating food or chaperoning for dances.
Back to School Dinner (Sept)
Book Faire – Parent volunteers are needed to help set up, work throughout the week, and close down the book faire.
8th Grade Special Events (May/June) Assist with the planning and preparation for the 8th grade dinner/dance, promotion ceremony, or awards dinner.
More information and a sign up will be provided at the Navelencia Back to School Night. If you are interested in volunteering with the Navelencia PTC and are unable to attend Back to School Night, please contact the PTC president, Amy Smither (559) 970-3632 or by email